
Dance lessons can be helpful prior to your reception

Apart from their initial nerves during their wedding ceremonies, many couples feel comfortable having all eyes on them for the majority of their wedding days. However, some couples get a bit of stage fright when dancing as husband and wife for the first time.

First dances and parent-child dances are popular wedding reception rituals. The couple’s dance serves as their first act as a married pair, often occurring at the onset of the wedding reception. Father-daughter and mother-son dances may take place at different points in the evening.

Some people relish the idea of having the spotlight on them, while others are nervous about dancing in front of a crowd. While couples need not look like contestants on “Dancing With the Stars” to pull off a successful first dance, taking dance lessons prior to the wedding can teach men and women some key moves and help calm their nerves.

Couples may want to begin dance lessons a few months before their wedding day to get acclimated to the experience. The more lessons couples take, the more comfortable they will likely be when it comes time to cut a rug.

Private dance lessons may be more effective than group lessons, as they enable one-on-one interaction with instructors, who point out any missteps immediately and correct form on the spot. Instructors also may suggest which routines couples should embrace and which they may want to avoid.

Preparation can stem nervousness and help couples feel more confident on the dance floor, even if their dances last only a few minutes.

The goal of dance lessons is for couples to become better dancers, but improved skills on the dance floor is not the only thing couples can take from dance lessons.

∫ Exercise: Dancing is an excellent form of exercise that can help couples build up their endurance. In addition, the cardiovascular benefits of dancing can help couples shed a few pounds prior to their wedding days.

∫ Stress relief: Planning a wedding is not always easy. Having a night of the week devoted to some fun couple time can help relieve some of the stress couples may feel when planning a wedding.

∫ Enjoyable memories: Taking dance lessons as a couple is something couples may look back on fondly long after they have tied the knot and cut their first rug as husband and wife.


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