

Get out and vote today


Today is Election Day — a day when we, as American citizens, have important work to do. Two statewide issues will be decided, determining the future of abortion and other reproductive rights and marijuana use in Ohio. But there are also dozens of local races for municipal and township ...

Get in the holiday spirit


It’s November. The days are getting shorter, and the first snowfall already has hit the ground. Since Halloween has passed, some stores already have started playing Christmas carols. Thanksgiving is just around the corner and Christmas is less than eight weeks away. It’s time to get ...

Be responsible with firearms


Officials at a school in Lowellville, Ohio, are likely breathing a sigh of relief after the school’s metal detectors helped them discover a gun in a student’s backpack at 7:45 a.m. Tuesday. Now they know the investment they made works. And fortunately, schools throughout the local region ...

Honoring our veterans in Belmont County


Veterans Day is a time for us to pay our respects to those who have served, and on this day, we remember, honor, and stand united in respect for our veterans. Belmont County is home to many local heroes, and we are patriotic and proud of our veterans. You can see that patriotism as you drive ...

Effective leaders develop teams for success


Lynnda is continuing to heal and get stronger. We see the oncologist in late November to discuss radiation therapy, which is typical after a lumpectomy. Before her surgery we were invited by the President of the Virginia Manufacturers Association to their annual gala in Williamsburg, Virginia. ...

Help make our system work — get out and vote


What will you be doing this Tuesday? It’s a weekday, so it’s quite likely that many of our readers will be working. Younger folks or non-traditional students might have classes to attend. Retirees may have an appointment scheduled or have plans to do some yard work or other tasks. I, ...