
Voters approve tax levies in Belmont County

MARTINS FERRY — Voters in Belmont County approved tax levies to continue supporting their senior citizens and 911 emergency services, while Martins Ferry voters decided to OK a new levy to raise $300,000 a year for its police department.

According to unofficial vote totals, the senior services levy was overwhelmingly approved in a 22,133 to 7,676 decision. The Belmont County 911 Services levy also was approved by a large margin — 21,458 in favor and 8,010 against.

Martins Ferry’s police levy is a 5-mill levy that will generate $300,000 a year for the next five years. It will be used to maintain services for the department. City officials were contemplating cutting the department’s dispatchers if the levy was not approved.

The 1-mill levy for senior services is a renewal levy that will last for the next five years. The levy provides the majority of the funding for the department, which works to help seniors live independently at home.


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