WHEELING -- Whether it's winterizing the inside of your home or picking the right outdoor power equipment for your snow removal needs, Kennedy Hardware has all the necessary equipment and supplies to help you prepare for Old Man Winter.
Located at 3300 McColloch St., Wheeling, Kennedy ...
Homeowners know that maintaining a home can be a year-round job. No home is immune to wear and tear, and homeowners who want to protect their real estate investments should try to stay two steps ahead to ensure their homes do not succumb to the elements or become outdated and unappealing to ...
Inside and out, life can be loud. Retreat from the hustle and bustle of the world by making your home, or specific rooms within it, a calm, relaxing sanctuary.
There's a room in every house that could benefit from greater sound control, whether it's a home theater, music room, studio, home ...
ST. CLAIRSVILLE -- Even if they do not choose to enter the construction industry, the 18 carpentry students at Belmont-Harrison Career Center will gain skills that allow them to accomplish manual tasks that many cannot.
"Even if they don't go into carpentry for a career, they will have this ...
MOUNDSVILLE -- For many residents entering the cooler months, keeping up a supply of propane means keeping the home warm through the winter.
Marshall County Co-Op's manager, Dave Voithofer, knows the dangers posed to the area's customers from the cold, and he makes home deliveries a top ...
MARTINS FERRY -- For nearly 40 years, Fireplaces 'N' Fixins has specialized in helping residents of the Ohio Valley stay warm and cozy during the cold winter months.
In keeping with that tradition, Scott Stephens, general manager and CEO, said the store, located at 1211 S. Zane Highway, ...